What is the greatest threat to swimmers in the ocean?

What is the greatest threat to swimmers in the ocean? Rip Currents They are powerful, channeled currents of water flowing away from shore that quickly pull swimmers out to sea. Rip currents typically extend from the shoreline, through the surf zone, and past the line of breaking waves. The best way to stay safe is to recognize the danger of rip currents.

Is it safe to swim in the ocean sharks?

Sharks can easily mistake humans as prey when conditions are bad. Don't enter the water at dawn, dusk and at night, when some species of sharks may move closer to land to feed. However, keep in mind that sharks, especially tiger sharks, have been known to bite people at any time of day or night.

How close do sharks come to shore?

The findings also revealed that sharks are swimming a lot closer to the beach than previously thought—instead of miles out, they may be within 50 to 100 yards of where the waves break, or even closer.