What is the golden rule in hotel?

What is the golden rule in hotel? Extend a welcome: Make eye contact, smile, say hello, introduce yourself, call people by name, and extend a few words of concern. Notice when someone looks confused: Stop and lend a hand. Take time for courtesy and consideration: Kind words and polite gestures make people feel special.

What are the 3 principles in housekeeping?

The management concept of “5S” is promoted for good housekeeping practice in workplaces, which includes five complementary principles of “Organisation”, “Neatness”, “Cleanliness”, “Standisation” and “Discipline”.

What are the hotel codes?

List of Standard Room Status Codes Used by The Housekeeping
  • OCC - Occupied.
  • VC - Vacant & Clean.
  • VD - Vacant & Dirty.
  • OR - Occupied & Ready.
  • OC - Occupied & Clean.
  • OD - Occupied & Dirty.
  • CO - Check Out.
  • OOO - Out of Order.

Why do hotels not have 13?

Early tall-building designers, fearing a fire on the 13th floor, or fearing tenants' superstitions about the rumor, decided to omit having a 13th floor listed on their elevator numbering. This practice became commonplace, and eventually found its way into American mainstream culture and building design.

What is the 80 20 rule in hotels?

The 80/20 Rule states that a small number of causes are responsible for a great number of effects. In business that often means 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your customers, so looking after them should be your primary focus.

What is the 1 in 4 rule hotel?

For HGVC, the 1-in-4 rule limits the amount of times you can stay at a certain Hilton resort through RCI exchange. For example, if you are looking to book accommodations at the Hilton Grand Vacations Club at Parc Soleil through an RCI timeshare exchange, you will not be able to book at that resort for another 4 years.

What is the 10 5 rule in hotels?

When a guest comes within ten (10) feet of a team member(s), the team member(s) should cease their conversation to acknowledge the approaching guest. At approximately five (5) feet our team members should acknowledge the guest(s) with a nod or greeting, whenever appropriate.

What is the 24 hour rule for hotels?

Under hotel policy, guests at a residential hotel may stay at the hotel for months or years at a time so long as they leave their unit for 24 hours every 28 days. California hotels and motels believe that by kicking out a guest for 24 hours before the guest stays for 30 consecutive days, they avoid the guest becoming a ...