What is the G limit for aircraft?

What is the G limit for aircraft? For the purposes of airplane certification, airplanes are certified in one of three categories: normal, utility, aerobatic. Each category has stress limits of: +3.8Gs and -1.52Gs for normal category airplanes; +4.4Gs and -1.76Gs for the utility category airplane; +6Gs and-3Gs for the aerobatic category airplane.

Can a f18 pull 10g?

Maximum allowed g-limit increased by 33% (allows a 10g command at 7.5g Nz REF) Page V-12-18 of the F-18 A-D NATOPS. All of the F/A-18 Hornets - A, B, C, D, E and F, are G-force limited to 7.5.

Is there any Class G airspace above 1200?

In remote areas, Glass G may go up to (but not including) 14,500' MSL. In most places, G Airspace starts at the surface and goes up 700' AGL or 1200' AGL where Class E starts.

Can a pilot pull 10 gs?

While commercial flights exert only very minimal positive and negative G-forces on passengers, several orders of magnitude greater are the G-forces experienced by astronauts, fighter pilots and stunt pilots. These types of pilots can experience brief periods of extreme forces of nine and 10 Gs.