What is the first 3 digits of PNR?

What is the first 3 digits of PNR? Out of the 10 digits, the first three digits store information about the zone and the Passenger Reservation System (PRS) from which the ticket has been booked. The first digit denotes the railway zone which is the train's origin. The next two digits indicate the PRS from where the ticket has been issued.

What does PNR number look like?

PNR is the abbreviation of Passenger Name Record and it is a digital certificate allowing passengers to do online check-in or manage their bookings in a short time. Also used as booking number, Passenger Name Record is a code with 6 alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers are used together).

How many digits is PNR?

PNR stands for “Passenger Name Record”. Indian Railways' PNR numbers are 10-digit numerical combinations against which passengers' details and records are stored in the IRCTC database. These details range from the railway zone to the booking status.

How do you write a PNR number?

A PNR code consists of a sequence of 6 alpha-numeric characters, generated randomly to ensure uniqueness. The airlines' computer reservation systems create this 6-digit code.

Is PNR a random number?

The last seven digits are generated randomly in order to keep the PNR number unique for each booked train ticket.

What is a PNR number?

PNR is the abbreviation of Passenger Name Record and it is a digital certificate allowing passengers to do online check-in or manage their bookings in a short time. Also used as booking number, Passenger Name Record is a code with 6 alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers are used together).

Is PNR a unique 10 digit number?

PNR stands for “Passenger Name Record”. Indian Railways' PNR numbers are 10-digit numerical combinations against which passengers' details and records are stored in the IRCTC database. These details range from the railway zone to the booking status.

How do I find my PNR number?

PNR code can be found as “booking” detail below the midsection of your digital travel document or right bottom of your mobile boarding pass.

Is PNR different for everyone?

The PNR (Passenger Name Record) number is a unique identifier for an entire booking, and it encompasses all passengers traveling together on the same train, in the same class, and to the same destination.

What to do if I forgot my PNR number?

When you don't have the PNR number, the verification goes this way. Passenger Reservation system (PRS) can be verified with your photo Id proof number that you have written while doing reservation for the first time. With this number, name and the train details, they retrieve your ticket and print it again.

What is the difference between booking reference and PNR?

What is a booking reference or PNR? A booking reference, also referred to as a PNR or Record Locator, is the airline's internal identifier for your flight booking within their computer system. It is generated by the airline's computer system, not by the travel agent or GDS.

What does the PNR number start with?

First 3 Digits: The PNR numbers' starting digit does not depend on the PRS from which it has been booked. It depends upon: Zone of the Train, w.r.t. starting station of the train. Ex. If a ticket is booked in Rajdhani Express (Mumbai to New Delhi), as the starting station is Mumbai, PNR will start from 8.

Is PNR the same as confirmation number?

The PNR Record Locator is the reservation number of the trip booked by the travel agency from the GDS system, which is typically different than the airline confirmation code. The airline confirmation number is what is required for the traveler to check-in to their flight.

How is PNR number generated in flight?

The exact PNR creation process depends on how the booking is made, but all PNRs must be created on a Computer Reservation System (CRS), a booking software which airlines use to store flight inventory and perform and record transactions.

What are the 5 mandatory elements of a PNR?

PNR Creation ? Always create the basic PNR with the 5 mandatory elements (Name, Itinerary, Contact, TK element, Reference, End Transaction) and wait for the Airline locator. If the Airline PNR is not reflecting contact the Help-Desk.