What is the fastest way to open eustachian tubes?
What is the fastest way to open eustachian tubes? You may be able to open the blocked tubes with a simple exercise. Close your mouth, hold your nose, and gently blow as if you are blowing your nose. Yawning and chewing gum also may help. You may hear or feel a pop when the tubes open to make the pressure equal between the inside and outside of your ears.
What medication is used to open the Eustachian tube?
A common course of treatment for Eustachian tube dysfunction is the use of decongestants or antihistamines. In some cases, this treatment may make the condition worse. If decongestants or antihistamines do not provide relief, contact your doctor. You may need to see an ear, nose and throat specialist for treatment.
What vitamins help Eustachian tube dysfunction?
Vitamin A, C, and E The antioxidants in these vitamins prevent damage to health cells, making all three of these essential vitamins for ear health. Vitamin C also bolsters the immune system, which can reduce the risk of pesky ear infections.