What is the etiquette in Thailand?

What is the etiquette in Thailand? Don't lose your cool: Shouting, blowing your top, or displaying strong emotions is generally frowned upon in Thailand. Always keep in mind the rules of saving face. Keep your cool even when things go wrong; you'll be respected for doing so. Don't lament that bus breakdown.

What does thumbs up mean in Thailand?

Traditionally, giving someone the “thumbs up” gesture is similar to giving them the middle finger – ultimately derogatory in nature. While adults in Thailand today have adopted its more international meaning of approval or a job well done, it's still common for kids to exchange the gesture during a childish argument.

How do you show respect in Thailand?

Greetings are accompanied by the gesture known as a 'wai', which is the placing of two palms together, with fingertips touching the nose. A wai indicates the level of respect for another person and is an acknowledgement of seniority. A person should bow their head with their palms pressed together to indicate respect.

Can you take girls back to your hotel in Thailand?

Can you bring girls back to your hotel in Thailand? Some hotels may charge an extra 500 baht if you take a lady back to your room and ask her to leave her ID card at reception,they will call you when she leaves to make sure all is OK. This is assumeing you check in as a single occupant.

How not to offend in Thailand?

Ten Ways to Avoid Offending Thai Culture
  • Show Interest In Any And All Things Thai.
  • Be Part Of The Family. ...
  • Try New Foods. ...
  • Answer Questions. ...
  • Help People Communicate With You. ...
  • Speak Respectfully To Elders. ...
  • Have A Sense Of Humor. ...
  • Leave Some Space. ...

What is a bar fine for a girl in Thailand?

If they agree to go with you and you wish to take her out before the bar closes, you have to pay a fee (around 300-500 Baht) known as a “bar fine”. This is to compensate the bar for the time that she is out of the bar, where she would normally be entertaining and attracting more customers.