What is the etiquette in Morocco?

What is the etiquette in Morocco? Always greet with your right hand, as your left is traditionally considered unclean. Kissing cheeks is practiced between members of the same sex -- especially if they are friends -- but should not be performed between opposite sexes unless each is well known to the other.

What is frowned upon in Morocco?

Moroccan etiquette and customs Nonetheless, you should try not to affront people's religious beliefs, especially those of older, more conservative people. Avoid, for example, wearing revealing clothes, kissing and cuddling in public, or eating or smoking in the street during Ramadan.

What can you not bring into Morocco?

Some goods cannot be imported into Morocco.
  • Weapons, including spare parts and ammunition;
  • Narcotics, drugs and any other psychotropic products;
  • Writings, printed matter, cassettes and recorded videocassettes and any other material contrary to morality and public order;

What are 2 rules of food etiquette in Morocco?

Moroccan Food Etiquette: How to Eat Without Offending Hosts Never help yourself to bread, wait until the bread is passed to you. Use the bread to mop up leftover sauces on your plate. Don't lick your fingers until the end of your meal – use bread or a napkin to clean your fingers during the meal.

Are tattoos OK in Morocco?

Tattoos are often assimilated to prisoners and thugs. Thus, there is no tattoo culture in Morocco. For many, getting a tattoo is inconceivable, if not taboo. Despite the strict mindset, our society transforms and things change.

How should a female tourist dress in Morocco?

While female travellers aren't expected to dress as conservatively as local women, it's still a good idea to pack clothing options that will allow you to cover up. In the main cities, you can get away with wearing pants or a skirt that reaches below the knee, and a short-sleeved t-shirt.

What is not allowed to do in Morocco?

Sexual acts between members of the same sex, or outside marriage, are illegal. Possessing pornographic material is also illegal. Understand and follow local laws. Morocco has strict laws around religion, the monarchy, alcohol, photography and drone use.

Can a woman walk alone in Morocco?

Should A Woman Visit Morocco Solo? After my recent trip, I can say without any hesitation: Yes! Nevertheless, as on my recent trip, I visited Morocco's imperial cities, I don't know how it is once you get to the hinterland, though. But walking the streets of larger cities is definitely no problem.

Can unmarried couples stay in the same hotel room in Morocco?

Can unmarried couples sleep together in Morocco? While it is not permitted for an unmarried Moroccan couple to share a room, as non-Moroccans you won't encounter any problems (unless the establishment itself chooses not to allow it). However, public shows of affection should be kept to a minimum.

Do you need to cover your body in Morocco?

You also don't have to be covered head to toe as a visitor to Morocco. The basic “rules” are to cover your shoulders, knees, and chest. Most days I had my elbows covered, too, and made sure that my tops were long enough to cover my bum. Showing elbows is fine!

Is it safe to eat salad in Morocco?

NB: most of those salads have been cooked and are thus safe while eating in Morocco! Be careful though with the uncooked salads. Especially if you have a sensitive stomach.

What not to wear in Marrakech?

What not to wear in Marrakech
  • Anything super tight that shows off your figure – think short cycling shorts, hot pants, gym wear, clingy material.
  • Anything revealing – low cut tops or dresses that expose cleavage, thigh high splits in skirts, backless clothing, or short dresses or shorts.

Is it rude not to tip in Morocco?

While tipping isn't mandatory in Morocco, rounding up the bill and leaving tips at restaurants and cafes is standard practice. If you're happy with the service provided by waiters, drivers and other service workers, leaving a small tip is a good way to show your appreciation.

How do Moroccans feel about Americans?

Morocco is America's oldest ally in the Arab world, dated back from 1790. Morocco has actually supported the United States more than any Arab countries. The Moroccans are also majority pro-American, being one of the few to remain alliance to deep with the US. American culture is also popular in Morocco as well.

Is thumbs up ok in Morocco?

Never give the thumbs up gesture or gesture with your left hand. Wear modest clothing in public and COVER your body. Women should keep a scarf with them to enter mosques.

Can females wear shorts in Morocco?

Yes, there is no problem with wearing shorts in Morocco. You will see this just about everywhere. However, in rural Morocco, you might want to stick with longer shorts, capri length or full length pants.

Do you flush toilet paper in Morocco?

Once you finished, you can use water (bucket) to rinse yourself or you can use (your own) toilet paper or wet tissues. (However do not flush the paper – and definitely not the wet tissues – down as it can clog the plumbing. (It might be useful to have a paper bag with you in case there is no trash bin around.)

Do I need to wear a headscarf in Morocco?

The easy answer is no; you do not need to cover your hair. That being said, there are some religious sites that may ask you to do so. Often they will have scarves for you to borrow, but I suggest bringing your own and carrying it in your purse or backpack just in case.

Should you wear jewelry in Morocco?

Particularly against tourists, petty crime is prevalent in this area. Valuables should not be carried & jewelry that sparkle should be avoided. Leave your hotel with only the essentials, because pickpockets and muggings do happen.

What are the unspoken rules in Morocco?

Moroccans don't eat with their left hands. Left hands are considered the “dirty hand” as they are traditionally used for hygienic duties. When eating tajine, you will be given bread to dip into the middle dish. You can rip your own bread with your left hand, but use your right hand to dip into the communal dish.

What kind of shoes to wear in Morocco?

Make sure you take comfy footwear for daytime – preferably closed-in shoes as the streets are often uneven and dusty. Try Hotter shoes, they are amazingly light and comfortable and look great too. It is best to avoid high heels – instead choose pretty flat sandals for the evenings.

Is Morocco friendly to the US?

Morocco is one of America's oldest friends in the Middle East and North Africa and is recognized today as a major non-NATO ally.