What is the etiquette for visiting French houses?

What is the etiquette for visiting French houses? Manners and etiquette If you're invited into a French house you should always take a small gift – flowers, a plant or chocolates. You'll be invited into the main room, but don't expect to be shown around the house. The French like to keep their houses private, so it's unlikely that you'll be given a grand tour.

How do you show respect in France?

Manners, politeness & greetings The 'bonjour' is usually followed by a handshake in a formal context or 'les bises' or kiss one on each side of the cheeks. The kisses on the cheeks demonstrate affection, friendship or respect. These customs have evolved with the global pandemic and may change over time.

What is one weird law in France?

3. Don't kiss in a French train station. The SNCF (French railways) got tired of the delays caused by couples kissing their farewells on platforms. Thus was born this weird French law that prohibits making out once the train has pulled up to the station.