What is the drinking etiquette in Greece?

What is the drinking etiquette in Greece? They drink, not to escape but, as they chime their glasses together, to engage more fully in the moment with one another. Even the occasional excess is usually a product of happy exuberance; drunken fighting and regrettable behavior are virtually non-existent.

Do you drink the bottom of Greek coffee?

The coffee grounds settle in the bottom of the cup and the foam rests on the top of the coffee. The foam is to be enjoyed, the grounds are not to be drunk - slow is the order of the day again here as the grounds need time to settle in the cup before drinking.

What is the drinking culture in Greece?

Greece is a Mediterranean country where drinking is a social event. Greeks drink wine, beer, and spirits in a social setting as a way to strengthen bonds among friends and family members, and to escape the main preoccupations of daily routines.

Can you drink alcohol on the beach in Greece?

Enjoying some moderate public drinking is more common in relaxed settings like the park or the beach. What's the drinking culture like? You'll be expected to hold your liquor. Generally speaking, Greeks do not drink to get drunk, and drinking to excess is frowned upon.

What do bubbles in Greek coffee mean?

Other superstitions around Greek coffee have to do with spilling a little out of the cup, which is concerned to bring luck and money. Also, if your cup of coffee has a big bubble some say it betokens disappointment while others believe it means that a good friend will arrive soon.

Can you walk around with alcohol in Greece?

In Athens, the Greek police do enforce the law of no alcohol consumption in public spaces. Otherwise, you can walk around with alcohol in your hand, but you can't walk around drunk! But again, the chances of this law being enforced is low.

What is considered rude in Greece?

Always keep your palm turned toward you. Making a fist with your thumb between your index and middle fingers is considered obscene. Thumbs up signals approval but thumbs down is a rude gesture. A single nod of the head downward is the expression for yes and a single nod of the head backward means no.

What is the 6 drink rule in Greece?

These rules mean, if you stay at an all inclusive hotel in one of these resorts, you can have a maximum of 6 alcoholic drinks a day as part of your all inclusive package – 3 at lunch and 3 with evening meals. Soft drinks are unlimited at any time of day and you can buy additional alcoholic drinks if you wish.

What are the drinking rules in Greece?

Unlike other European countries, there is no official legal drinking age in Greece if you are drinking in private (like a house). However, if you want to purchase alcohol and drink in public, you must be at least 18 years of age.

Do you tip in Greece restaurants?

Restaurant workers in Greece don't expect you to tip, though the restaurant may sometimes charge a service fee. That fee can function as a tip instead, though it may go to the restaurant instead of the server. If you want to see your waiter receive the tip, you're better off leaving coins with the bill.

Does Greece have an alcohol problem?

According to general population surveys, three out of four Greeks aged 12-64 referred to alcohol consumption during the last year and 10% reported at least one episode of alcohol abuse during the last month.

Can I have ice in my drink in Greece?

Can I have ice in my drink in Greece? If they are made with tap water, they may not be safe to consume, especially in the Greek Islands. However, many hotels use bottled water to make ice cubes, which gets you a safe drink.

How strict is Greece with alcohol?

Is Greece strict on the drinking age? The official legal drinking age in Greece is 18 in public and you also have to be 18 to buy alcohol. In reality, these laws are not strictly enforced and in many tourist zones, they're not enforced at all.