What is the dining taboo in Tanzania?

What is the dining taboo in Tanzania? Tanzanians do not use their left hand when eating, or touching another person. Never eat with your left hand, hand something to another person with your left hand, or handshake with your left hand. Also, do not touch anything with your left hand, such as produce at the market.

What not to wear on safari in Tanzania?

Do plan to dress in layers so you can adjust to temperature changes as early morning game drives can be quite cold depending on the time of year while daytime temperatures can get quite warm. Stick to neutral or khaki colors and avoid wearing dark blue or black clothes as these colors tend to attract tsetse flies.

Can you wear blue in Tanzania?

Wear neutral or khaki-colored clothing instead of dark blue or black, which tends to draw tsetse flies. Sunglasses, insect repellant, sunscreen, and wide-brimmed hats are essential. It's recommended that you wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, socks, and insect repellent to prevent mosquito bites after dusk.

Is it safe to take a shower in Tanzania?

What is the Water Quality in Tanzania? The water out of the tap throughout Tanzania is unfit to drink, however it is suitable for showering and washing your hands. Be sure to take care to keep your mouth closed while showering. Use bottled or treated water when cleaning your teeth.

What is considered rude in Tanzania?

In any situation, make sure to greet the most elderly first, and then go on until you greet the youngest people in the room. You must never rush this process, as it's considered incredibly rude. Also, Tanzanians often hold hands throughout their entire conversations.

Is it OK to wear black in Tanzania?

Wear neutral or khaki-colored clothing instead of dark blue or black, which tends to draw tsetse flies. Sunglasses, insect repellant, sunscreen, and wide-brimmed hats are essential. It's recommended that you wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, socks, and insect repellent to prevent mosquito bites after dusk.