What is the difference between Instant Book and request to book?

What is the difference between Instant Book and request to book? The main difference between Instant Book and Request to Book lies in the booking process. With Instant Book, guests can book your listing immediately without waiting for your approval. With Request to Book, guests must send a booking request, which you can accept or decline within 24 hours.

Does Instant Book increase bookings?

Pros of Instant Book: Increased bookings: Allowing instant booking can increase the number of bookings you receive. Guests are more likely to book a property that they can reserve immediately rather than having to wait for approval from the host.

What is the difference between Instant Book and request to book on Airbnb?

The main difference between Instant Book and Request to Book lies in the booking process. With Instant Book, guests can book your listing immediately without waiting for your approval. With Request to Book, guests must send a booking request, which you can accept or decline within 24 hours.

Is Instant Book better?

Pros of Instant Book: Guests are more likely to book a property that they can reserve immediately rather than having to wait for approval from the host. This can be especially helpful for hosts who have properties that are in high demand.

Do VRBO owners rate their guests?

Hosts can rate their guests when they book and pay through our sites. When a guest submits a booking request and they've been rated by previous owners, their rating will display within the conversation for the owner. On checkout day, a marketplace feed card will display in the host's account to review their guests.

What happens if a guest cancels on Vrbo?

Guests should cancel their bookings through their account. In many cases, you won't need to approve a guest's cancellation and they'll automatically receive a refund based on your cancellation policy. In some cases, a guest may request a cancellation from their account, and it will require your approval.

Why does Vrbo keep hiding my listing?

Your listing might be hidden because: You hid the listing in your account. The listing has 3 or more expired reservation requests for the last 90 days. We've temporarily hidden your property to prevent more declines from affecting your listing performance. You have a low listing acceptance rate.

Should I decline Airbnb request?

Declining an inquiry signals to the guest that their needs aren't a good fit for your space and encourages them to request another listing.