What is the difference between control area and control zone?

What is the difference between control area and control zone? In aviation, a control zone (CTR) is a volume of controlled airspace, usually situated below a control area, normally around an airport, which extends from the surface to a specified upper limit, established to protect air traffic operating to and from that airport.

Why use CTR?

CTR is an important metric because it helps you understand your customers—it tells you what works (and what doesn't work) when trying to reach your target audience. A low CTR could indicate that you're targeting the wrong audience or that you're not speaking their language persuasively enough to convince them to click.

What are airport control areas?

A control area is a Controlled Airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the earth. ( ICAO Annex 11 — Air Traffic Services) The lateral and vertical extent of control areas is detailed in the appropriate national AIP.

What are the three areas of an airport?

THE AIRPORT AND ITS COMPONENTS It is customary to classify the several components of an airport in three major catego- ries: airside facilities; landside facilities; and the terminal building, which serves as the interchange between the two' (see fig. 7).

What is the difference between CTA and CTR?

Click-through rate (CTR) is the ratio of the number of clicks on a specific link or call to action (also known as CTA, for example the 'Learn More' text at the bottom of an email marketing campaign) to the number of times people were exposed to the link (aka the number of impressions).