What is the difference between checked in and checked out?

What is the difference between checked in and checked out? The term check-in describes the process of adding a new or modified item or file to a document library or a list to replace the previous version. The term check-out describes the process of getting a version of a document or list item in a list or library.

What does it mean to be checked out?

To be checked out is to not be paying attention anymore. An alternate meaning is to not give full effort.

Do I need to tell the hotel I am checking out?

It is important to check out of the hotel in order to ensure that all charges are properly accounted for and that your stay was satisfactory. Additionally, it is considered polite and professional to inform the front desk staff when you plan on leaving so they can prepare for any incoming guests.

What is an example of check out?

to leave a hotel after paying and returning your room key: We checked out (of/from our hotel) at 5 a.m. to catch a 7 a.m. flight.