What is the difference between Bimini and Bahamas?

What is the difference between Bimini and Bahamas? Bimini is the furthest west of all of the Bahamian Islands. It is located 50 miles east of the Florida coast, and 127 miles NorthWest of Nassau. Bimini is comprised of 2 main islands, North Bimini and South Bimini. The total area of both islands combined is only 8.8 sq miles.

Is Bimini considered Bahamas?

Nestled 50 miles off Florida's coast in the turquoise hued waters of the Caribbean Sea, Bimini is the closest Bahamian Island to the United States. Composed of three islands, the waters around Bimini are considered some of the world's best big-game fishing regions due to its vibrant marine ecosystem.

Can you swim in the ocean at Bimini?

This Bahamas beach is connected to two other beaches, Blister Beach and Spook Hill Beach. Also called Bimini Bay Beach, this stretch of soft, white sand and clear, calm waters has always been a great spot for swimming and sunbathing. Snorkeling is also a popular pastime here.

What is the best non touristy island in The Bahamas?

Andros Island The largest of the Bahamian Islands, Andros has remained one of the less touristy places in The Bahamas. This is an ideal island for divers and fishing enthusiasts, particularly those interested in bone fishing. Inside the island are legendary blue holes and freshwater reservoirs dotted throughout.

Why is the water so blue in Bimini?

Its spectacular palette of blues is created by the variations of shelf depths on which Bimini sits in the warm Bahamian waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Is Bimini owned by Carnival?

The Beach Club at Bimini is owned by Resorts World, which in turn is owned by the Genting Group. Virgin Voyages worked with Resorts World to build the Beach Club but they are not owners.

Can you walk around Bimini?

Although North and South Bimini are so small you can walk around each island in only a few hours, it is possible to visit Bimini on a short trip and not see everything. To help you out, we have compiled a list of the top five classic attractions and activities in Bimini you dare not miss.

What was so special about Bimini?

Referred to by many as the Big Game Fishing Capital of the World, the waters of Bimini have since been made world famous by anglers and divers. The Lost City of Atlantis and the Fountain of Youth are just some of the legends that are believed to exist in Bimini.

Which island in the Bahamas has the prettiest water?

1. Tropic of Cancer beach, Exuma. Also called Pelican Beach, Tropic of Cancer Beach is the longest beach in the Exuma Chain. Located on little Exuma, some describe this beach as the most beautiful beach that they have ever seen with its super blue waters and calm surroundings.