What is the danger area in aviation?

What is the danger area in aviation? A Danger Area (DA) is an area of airspace within which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft may be taking place. These activities usually involve some form of live military training or testing.

What is the danger zone area?

Danger zone - A defined water area (or areas) used for target practice, bombing, rocket firing or other especially hazardous operations, normally for the armed forces. The danger zones may be closed to the public on a full-time or intermittent basis, as stated in the regulations.

What happens if you fly over restricted airspace?

Violating prohibited airspace established for national security purposes may result in military interception and/or the possibility of an attack upon the violating aircraft, or if this is avoided then large fines and jail time are often incurred.

When may a pilot legally fly through a restricted area?

If the airspace is “active,” “open,” or “hot” they will deny you permission, and you will have to go around. You can legally fly through a restricted airspace when it is “cold,” or “closed.” I recommend you speak with the controlling agency prior to entering, though.