What is the curse of Haleakala?

What is the curse of Haleakala? Hundreds of people have returned lava rocks to Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park and Haleakala National Park because they fear the “curse of Pele.” The legend is that the goddess of fire and volcanoes will bring rock thieves bad luck and misfortune.

Why is Haleakala sacred?

Haleakala is a sacred place that has been used since ancient times. It is the dwelling place of na akua (the gods), where kahuna (priests) conduct ceremonies. In the past, Native Hawaiians built special sites in the wilderness of Haleakala to study and revere the stars.

Is Haleakala spiritual?

The summit of Haleakala represents a lot of things to the indigenous people of Hawai'i. The spiritual use of Haleakala includes receiving spiritual wisdom. All who visit should strive to become sensitive to the subtleties of nature and learn about the significance of this sacred place.

Is Maui an energy vortex?

Taking a trip to Maui is a favorite way of visiting one of the earth's great chakra points. Maui's energy can be especially helpful to those who are recovering from illness or addiction. Sacred sites present energy vortexes that can be quite beneficial while undergoing, say, Maui alcohol rehab.