What is the color theory in Greece?

What is the color theory in Greece? Greek philosophers thought in terms not of three, but of four, basic colors: black, red, yellow and white: yet little or no attention has been paid to this conception as a system of thought.

What does pink mean in Greece?

Greeks thought pink came from color white and was represented with the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Red was also very used and popular.

What does the rainbow mean in Greece?

For that reason, some ancient Greeks thought of rainbows as a sign of trouble. In the Iliad, the great god Zeus sends rainbows as a sign that war is coming or that a storm will come and frighten the farm animals (Homer, Iliad, 17.547). Iris was called “storm-footed” or “wind-footed”, because the storms come with her.

What color represents sadness in Greece?

Yellow signifies “sadness” in Greece's culture and “jealousy” in France's culture.