What is the closest town to Hot Water Beach?
What is the closest town to Hot Water Beach? The closest towns to Hot Water Beach are Tairua and Hahei. Both towns are great places to stay if you can't find accommodation at Hot Water Beach. In the summer months, be sure to book your accommodation in Tairua and Hahei well in advance.
What is special about Hot Water Beach?
Hot Water Beach is an Aotearoa New Zeland Must Do and one of its most intriguing places. From the sound of surging waves to the surprising warmth of hot sand underneath your bare feet at low tide, Hot Water Beach presents a landscape and an atmosphere like nowhere else.
Is Hot Water Beach worth it?
The beach is beautiful and worth the drive. You'll know where to go because of the people gathered in one spot. You need to go towards low tide so the hot water won't be diminished by the ocean. If you plan to dig and didn't bring a shovel, you can rent one at the concession stand.
Is hot water beach a surf beach?
Hot Water Beach is known as a surf beach in New Zealand so the sea can be dangerous at times. Swimming between flags is advised and be cautious when cooling off in the waters edge as rips can be strong.