What is the cleanest river that runs through a city?

What is the cleanest river that runs through a city? The Thames is considered to be the cleanest river in the world that flows through a major city.

What is the stinkiest river in the world?

1. Citarum River, Indonesia - The Citarum River is known as the most polluted river in the world and is located in West Java, Indonesia.

Which river is biologically dead?

Surveys in 1957 found the river was unable to sustain life, and the River Thames was eventually declared “biologically dead”.

What is the cleanest river to drink from?

Tara River, Europe Also known as the Jewel of Europe, Tara flows through the Balkan nations of Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina. One of the cleanest rivers in the world, it is a UNESCO protected river under the World's Natural Heritage and the World's Biosphere Reserve.

What is the cleanest river in the US?

The Smith River is the wildest and cleanest river in the country outside of Alaska — indeed, it is one of the cleanest rivers in the world. — The Smith is the only major undammed river in California.

What are the 5 most contaminated rivers in the world?

The Top 5 Most Polluted Rivers In The World
  • Ganges River, India: The Ganges River is a highly revered waterbody among Hindus. ...
  • Citarum River, Indonesia: The Citarum River in Indonesia is the second most polluted river in the world. ...
  • The Buriganga River. ...
  • Yellow River, China: ...
  • Mississippi River, United States:

What state has plenty of water?

Alaska has the most water The state with the largest total area of water is Alaska, which has 94,743 square miles of water. Alaska contains approximately 12,000 rivers, 3 million lakes larger than 5 acres, and numerous creeks and ponds, accounting for more than 14% of the state's total area.

Where is the bluest water in the United States?

1. Blue Hole – Santa Rosa, New Mexico.