What is the cheapest way to get from Stansted Airport to London?

What is the cheapest way to get from Stansted Airport to London? The National Express coach is the cheapest ways to travel to/from Stansted airport, especially if you book in advance. The Stansted Express is the only train to the airport. It is the quickest way to travel to London (Liverpool St station).

Is it cheaper to get to Gatwick or Stansted?

The train to Gatwick is cheaper than the Stansted Express, but you can depart from more stations in London to get to Gatwick than you can to Stansted. The bus to Stansted is cheaper than the train to Gatwick, but much longer.

Is Stansted Express a bus or train?

The Stansted Express train is the most frequent and fastest Stansted Airport to central London transport, though surprisingly only about 10 minutes' quicker than the scheduled travel time of the much cheaper airport buses that also go to and from Liverpool Street.

Is London bus cheaper than train?

Buses are also cheaper than trains, with a flat fare of £1.65 per single journey. You can take two bus journeys for the price of one if you touch in using the same card on the second journey within an hour, thanks to the “Hopper Fare”.

How much is Uber from Stansted to London?

The average price of the transfer in Uber between London and Stansted is 40 pounds each way, 30% cheaper than normal cabs, so it comes out well priced if you travel in a group and divide your payment by not charging per person but per trip.