What is the cheapest way to get around Spain?

What is the cheapest way to get around Spain? Travelling by bus Getting the bus is one of the cheapest ways to get around Spain – although for long distances it is not always the most comfortable. It's also one of the easiest ways to access off-the-beaten-track destinations and rural areas where there are no train lines.

Does Spain have free rail travel?

Launched by Spanish authorities last year to help tackle the cost-of-living crisis for residents, the free train travel period was due to end this spring. However, authorities extended the program to December 2023, meaning travelers visiting Spain this summer can now take advantage.

What part of Spain is cheapest to go to?

Top 8 Cheap Places in Spain for Students
  • Marbella, Costa del Sol. Located in the south of Spain, Costa del Sol or “Coast of the Sun” is one of the most beautiful regions Spain has to offer. ...
  • Ayamonte, Costa de la Luz. ...
  • Cantabria. ...
  • Tamariu, Costa Brava. ...
  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands. ...
  • Palma de Mallorca. ...
  • Barcelona. ...
  • Madrid.

What month is cheapest for Spain?

The cheapest time to visit Spain is usually from December to March, though you can also enjoy affordable flights and hotels in early spring and late autumn. The winter months see many vibrant markets and activities dedicated to annual celebrations such as Christmas, Carnival, and New Year's Eve.

Are Ubers cheaper than taxis in Spain?

Uber was convenient and relatively inexpensive in Lisbon. From the our hotel near the Rato metro station to the Airport Terminal 1, it cost less than 10 euros at about 10 AM. In Madrid and Barcelona, we checked the Uber prices, and they were as much or more than the regular taxi.

Is Trainline cheaper than Renfe?

Trainline is the official reseller of Renfe and Avlo, the brands of Spain's national railway company, OUIGO and iryo as well. So you all have ALL the options in just one place. Trainline sells train tickets for the same price as the Spanish carriers.

Are buses expensive in Spain?

Bus tickets in Spain In general, a single ticket costs around €1.40 to €1.60, though some cities (such as Barcelona) charge over €2 for a ticket. Some public transport companies in Spain offer special tickets for a certain number of trips (e.g., a 10-trip ticket) or time period (e.g., a 24-hour ticket).

What is the cheapest transportation in Spain?

The bus is the best if you're on a budget There are several bus service providers in every Spanish city, and many of these fleets offer quite a comfortable ride with reclining seats and wifi on board to make traveling over long distances a smooth and pleasant experience.

How can I get free transport in Spain?

The initiative, which launched last September and was supposed to end this spring, has successfully been extended to December 2023, The Points Guy reports. Thanks to the program, commuter trains and mid-distance regional lines will no longer have fares. The qualifying trains are operated by the national company Renfe.

Is it cheaper to buy train tickets in advance Spain?

Reserving point-to-point tickets in advance (available up to 60 days ahead of travel) is the best way to save money and to guarantee a seat on your preferred train. Furthermore, many areas of Spain aren't well served by its train system — for many trips, buses and even flights may be a better option.

What do I need to know about driving in Spain?

What are the most important rules? In Spain, we drive on the right, safety belts are mandatory for all the occupants of the vehicle and there are speed limits on all roads. These are 120 km/h on dual carriageways and motorways, 90 km/h on all other roads and 30 km/h in built-up areas.

What is the senior pass in Spain?

If you are over 60, you can benefit from a 40% discount on your one-way and return tickets by signing up for the Tarjeta Dorada card and using it in your purchases. This card, named and non-transferable, has a price of €6 and can be purchased at any ticket office in stations or travel agencies. Valid for one year.

Are buses free in Spain?

The Spanish government announced in November 2022 that it will extend a subsidy introduced for train passengers in September to public, long-distance buses.

Is it worth it to rent a car in Spain?

But, do you need to rent a car during your trip to Spain at all? It actually depends on your agenda and where exactly you're planning to travel. If your main goal is only to spend time in cities like Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Seville or Málaga, you don't need a car. In fact, having one will make your life harder.

Is it easy to get around Spain without a car?

Compared to long road trips and all of the inconveniences of short flights, it's easy to get around Spain by train. Instead of sitting on a cramped bus or spending your time going to and from airports, the trains offer a quick and comfortable way to enjoy the ride to Spain's dazzling cities.

What do I need to know about renting a car in Spain?

Essential Tips for Renting a Car in Spain
  1. Book from home. ...
  2. You need an International Driving Permit. ...
  3. You'll drive on the right. ...
  4. Pay for the rental in euros. ...
  5. Automatic transmissions can be harder to find and pricier. ...
  6. Double check your insurance coverage. ...
  7. Be aware of toll roads. ...
  8. Don't rent a car when you're in a city.