What is the breakdown of the economy in Hawaii?

What is the breakdown of the economy in Hawaii? The Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Healthcare and Social Assistance and Retail Trade sectors contributed the most to Hawaii's GDP in 2022, representing a combined 42.8% of state GDP.

Does Hawaii import a lot of food?

Hawaii is located approximately 2,506 miles from the continental United States. About 85-90% of Hawaii's food is imported which makes it particularly vulnerable to natural disasters and global event that might disrupt shipping and the food supply.

Does Hawaii rely on tourists?

Tourism comprises 21% of the state's economy, with many of Hawaii's largest industries revolving around the constant flow of tourists.

What are 3 major industries in Hawaii?

The primary source of income for Hawaii is the visitor sector which spreads itself over several industries, such as service, transportation and retail trade.

Can Hawaii survive without tourism?

The industry's defenders argue that tourism, for all of the issues it creates, is still a major asset for the people who call Hawaii home. They say the state simply couldn't survive without the billions of dollars in spending and tax revenue that travelers bring into the islands every year.