What is the Blue Hour in Venice?

What is the Blue Hour in Venice? We especially like photographing Venice at ?twilight? or ?blue hour.? This is the period of time just after sunset and before sunrise when during a window of opportunity of no more than 20 minutes, the incandescent street light combined with the ambient blue light of the sky allows for a magical exposure.

What time do most things close in Venice?

Most shops are open from 9.30 am to 7.30 pm. While some supermarkets stay open throughout the day, other food stores close at lunch time from 1.00 pm to 4.00/5.00 pm. On Sundays you can shop in the city centre, but in other districts most of the stores are closed.

How much is a cup of coffee in Venice?

A cappuccino will run you 10.50 euros and an espresso is 6.50 euros (3 euros if you stand at the bar). The cornetti were around 5 euros each. A full service traditional tea will run you 35 euros and their tramezzini and panini are between 11.50 euros and 18 euros.

Is it best to use cash or card in Venice?

Because of these fees, avoid using your credit card for ATM withdrawals or cash advances (use a debit or cash card instead). Venetian merchants prefer MasterCard and Visa, but American Express is usually accepted in popular tourist destinations.

Is Venice an expensive city?

The northern Italian city of Venice is a notoriously expensive place for a vacation.

What time of year does Venice smell?

During the summer months, when there's low tide (bassa marea), which is usually happening more frequently than in winter, the silt and mud are exposed and it smells.