What is the blob hitting the coast of Florida?

What is the blob hitting the coast of Florida? Florida's monthslong hit from a giant blob of seaweed that smells like rotten eggs may be over sooner than what was previously thought. Researchers have found that the massive clumps of sargassum that have been washing up on beaches in the state and other areas for months has suddenly shrunk beyond expectation.

How long will the seaweed blob last in Florida?

Florida's seaweed season typically runs from April until October, peaking in June and July. The seaweed comes in waves, depending on currents and wind direction. The seaweed itself is not harmful to humans, but decaying sargassum on beaches releases hydrogen sulfide that can impact people with breathing issues.

What does the seaweed blob smell like in Florida?

The seaweed, which smells like rotten eggs and emits toxic gases when it comes ashore, proved a nuisance for Florida beachgoers in the spring – which is also the start of the Sunshine State's tourist season.

What beaches are not affected by sargassum?

While exposed eastern shores are most likely to get hit by surges of sargassum, some beaches in Mexico have no sargassum. This includes Playa Norte on Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo and Cozumel's western shore. They're generally seaweed-free.

What parts of Florida will be affected by seaweed blob?

In April, the seaweed set a record, with scientists identifying 3 million tons of sargassum in the Caribbean Sea. Piles of sargassum seaweed are accumulating on the beaches of Florida's Key West. Scientists say the seaweed is expected to increase even more over the next few months.

Is the 5000 blob of seaweed heading to Florida?

A 5,000-mile-wide blob of seaweed is headed for Florida, threatening tourism across the Caribbean. “This is an entirely new oceanographic phenomenon that is creating such a problem — really a catastrophic problem — for tourism in the Caribbean region where it piles up on beaches up to 5 or 6 feet deep,” Lapointe added.

Do resorts clean up sargassum?

Popular resort hubs, including Playa del Carmen and Tulum, have ramped up efforts to deter sargassum from affecting travelers. What is this? Both destinations have set up temporary barriers and hired more cleaners in an effort to attract more travelers.

Which Caribbean island has no sargassum?

Palm Beach in Aruba, Dutch Caribbean It's one of the most reliable Caribbean islands without sargassum. While there are several small, boutique-sized hotels in Aruba, here are two of our favourite large resorts on Palm Beach and Eagle Beach.

What is the sargassum problem 2023?

2023 is shaping up to be a banner year for sargassum, a type of brown macroalgae now starting to wash up on beaches across the Caribbean. The thick dead tangled heaps of seaweed stink like rotten eggs and could cost many millions in holiday revenues this summer.

What is the best beach to avoid sargassum?

Playa Norte, Isla Mujeres, Mexico Playa Norte is a dazzling beach in the Caribbean without sargassum seaweed. This beach is a perfect white sand haven for vacationers to take a break from their busy lives.

Will sargassum hit Florida 2023?

USF reports it remains difficult to predict exact timing and location for individual beaching events but substantial amounts of the seaweed are expected in May in both the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. June is forecast to be the likely peak of the 2023 season, but impacts are expected to continue into July.