What is the best way to travel from Edinburgh to Inverness?
What is the best way to travel from Edinburgh to Inverness? If you have a trip from Edinburgh to Inverness in mind, taking a train is always a great idea, as a high-speed train can cover the distance between the cities in a matter of just 3.5 hours! Apart from being one of the fastest means to travel, a train ride is also among the most comfortable ones.
Is Inverness worth the trip?
What is Inverness Most Famous For? Inverness attracts visitors from across the world for its natural landscapes, quaint towns, medieval ruins, and prehistoric sites. Located in the Scottish Highlands, it's a great place for nature lovers looking to explore its vast landscape.
Is it better to drive or take train in Scotland?
Traveling by train is one of the best ways to see Scotland and travel between different regions.
What is the difference between First Class and regular ScotRail?
What does ScotRail First Class include? As well as more spacious and comfortable seating, First Class on ScotRail trains includes complimentary food and drinks, and power sockets at every seat.
Is first class on ScotRail worth it?
Whether you're travelling for work or leisure, a seat in First Class gives you quieter surroundings, a comfier seat and more space to get on with your day. You also get more window space – perfect for enjoying the fantastic views that accompany journeys in Scotland.