What is the best way to get from St. Thomas to St. Croix?
What is the best way to get from St. Thomas to St. Croix? Take a short seaplane ride, or take the ferry from St. Croix to St. Thomas. If you don't like to travel by water, you can hop flights from many commuter airlines offering service to these and other neighboring islands in the Caribbean.
What is St. Croix best known for?
St. Croix is known for its historic sugar plantations, white-sand beaches and the surrounding coral reef that's popular with snorkelers and scuba divers. Its two main towns – Christiansted and Frederiksted – have a colonial feel with arched, shaded walkways and sorbet-colored buildings.
How far is St. Croix from St. Thomas driving?
The distance between St. Thomas and St. Croix is 40 miles.
Which Virgin Island is the cheapest to visit?
What is the cheapest Virgin Island to stay at? If you're looking to save on your trip, you may want to consider the cheapest virgin island to stay at. St. Thomas is your best bet if you're looking for savings.
Is there much crime in St. Croix?
Crime rate per capita is one of the highest in the nation because of low population. Mostly local on local and usually drug related. Staying safe involves using common sense, just as anywhere. Do not go alone to remote spots.
Is it better to stay in St. Croix or St. Thomas?
Thomas, the most developed, is brimming with activities and world-class shopping. St. Croix, bigger but sleepier, is the place to go for diving, snorkeling, and beach life. Both extend a warm welcome and both have interesting culture away from the beach.
Is it worth going to St. Croix?
The largest of the US Virgin Islands, Saint Croix boasts the clearest turquoise blue water, sink your toes in sand, eclectic Caribbean cuisines and rich history and culture. There is so much to see and explore, we advise at least a week-long stay.
Is St. Croix safe to walk around?
St Croix has no more of a crime problem than any other tourist destination. That is not to say there is no crime on the island, of course, St. Croix, like anywhere, is not crime free, so just take normal precautions. Almost 100% of the crime is locals against locals.
Can you get around St. Croix without a car?
A full-service bus line operates throughout St. Croix. Taxi and Jeep services are readily available. Most taxi drivers are able to provide their passengers with comprehensive tours of their island.