What is the best way to get around St. Thomas?
What is the best way to get around St. Thomas? A full-service bus line operates throughout St. Thomas Taxi and Jeep services are readily available. Most taxi drivers are able to provide their passengers with comprehensive tours of their island. Taxi rates are based on destination rather than mileage and regulated by the US Virgin Islands Taxi Commission.
Are taxis in St Thomas cash only?
Thomas. While many places on island accept major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express), there are many venues which will only accept cash (taxis, ferry terminals, customs docks, and some vendors and restaurants).
What is the cheapest way to travel in St. Thomas?
The Virgin Islands public transit system in St. Thomas is called VITRAN. The bus fare is $1, and there are discounted fares for seniors and students with ID.
What to wear in St. Thomas Virgin Islands?
Daytime essentials include t-shirts and camisoles, sarong or shorts as most people spend their time on the beach. Keep your swimwear for the beach, beach bars and hotel pools, though. Wear plenty of sunscreen (we love the Riemann P20 range for 10 hour protection), sunglasses and a sunhat.
How do tourists get around St Thomas?
For visitors who wish to take in the sights, a variety of options exist. You can enjoy an island tour via safari bus or taxi, rent a car or motor bike, or travel on the Vitran public bus system.
Which Virgin island is cheaper?
St. Thomas is your best bet if you're looking for savings. While it's home to many high-end and luxurious resorts, its popularity with travelers has also created a demand for more affordable stays that still have some of the better amenities you may enjoy. You'll find prices as low as $860 available.
Do they take credit cards in St. Thomas?
The currency of the US Virgin Islands is the US Dollar. Major credit cards are accepted in almost all – but not all – establishments. Ask before you make a purchase or order food. ATM machines are located in banks and at other commercial locations.
Is it expensive to eat in the Virgin Islands?
From budget restaurants to mid-range eateries, you can expect to spend around $10 to $30 per person for a meal. If you're a budget traveler, you can expect to spend around $50 to $100 per day in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
How do I get a taxi in St. Thomas?
Call tel 340/774-7457 to order a taxi van. If you don't plan to rent a car, it's easy to find taxi drivers. Just have your hotel or restaurant call a taxi for you, no matter where you are. Even better: Get the card of a favorite taxi driver and let him or her know your itinerary—or call the drivers we recommend below.
Is St John or St. Thomas cheaper?
Thomas can be slightly less expensive overall than St. John. It's a bit easier to work within a budget on St. Thomas where you don't have to necessarily rent a car, you have different hotel tiers to choose from, and you have access to cheaper food options (in both restaurants and the larger grocery stores).