What is the best time to eat in Las Vegas?

What is the best time to eat in Las Vegas? However, there are a few tips to keep in mind to help you make the most of your lunch experience. The best times to eat lunch in Las Vegas are early (11 am-12 pm), midday (12 pm-2 pm), and late (3 pm-5 pm). No matter what time you eat, make sure to book, plan, take advantage of any specials, and avoid buffets.

Is 8pm too late for dinner?

So when exactly should you stop eating at night? Scientists can't agree on a single set time, but the consensus seems to be within three hours before bedtime. So if you go to bed at 11 p.m., don't eat after 8 p.m. Banishing late night snacks after that time could help alleviate the symptoms of acid reflux disease, too.