What is the best time of day to cross the Canadian border?
What is the best time of day to cross the Canadian border? Plan your drive south so that you're crossing the border during the slowest times, which tend to be early mornings. Avoid extremely busy periods, such as weekend evenings and the Mondays of holiday long weekends.
What do you need to cross the Canadian border by car 2023?
Ensure that you have proper identification for you and your family readily available. Acceptable forms of identification for entry into Canada include a passport, a NEXUS card and an enhanced driver's licence.
How much money can I bring to Canada per person?
Anytime you cross the border, you must declare any currency or monetary instruments you have valued at Can$10,000 or more. This amount includes Canadian or foreign currency or a combination of both. Monetary instruments include, but are not limited to, stocks, bonds, bank drafts, cheques and traveller's cheques.