What is the best time for Atlanta?

What is the best time for Atlanta? Best Times to Visit Atlanta for Good Weather “The best weather to travel to Atlanta is [in] March and April and in September and October,” Ritchie said. “Temperatures are mild, from the mid-60s to low 80s, and it's usually sunny and perfect for outdoor activities and alfresco dining.”

What month is the coldest in Atlanta?

January is the coldest month in the United States' Atlanta with an average low temperature of around 34°F and while snow isn't unheard of, it's highly unlikely. Snowfall generally isn't expected annually, in fact, snow hasn't fallen in the last couple of years in Atlanta.

What hours to avoid Atlanta traffic?

The morning rush hour in Atlanta starts as early as 4 a.m., and it can last as late as 10 a.m., but the worst of it begins around 6 or 7 a.m. In the evening, you can expect the worst traffic from 3:30 p.m. to at late as 7:30 p.m. This is a long stretch of time when the roads stay congested, so if you do not want to sit ...

What is the best day of the week to drive through Atlanta Georgia?

It would be best to go on weekends when traffic would generally be lighter. Best time would be to go through it after 10pm, when traffic would be very light then.

Is Atlanta traffic worse than LA?

But hey, at least we climbed a spot from the cellar of 2022 Clever's study of the best and worst U.S. cities for commuters in 2023 pegs Atlanta as a bottom-five finisher in terms of hellacious, expensive, time-consuming commutes—one spot worse than, gulp, Los Angeles.

Why is traffic so bad on I-75 south of Atlanta?

A narrow and tricky construction zone means a higher likelihood for wrecks. Mix in the fact that so many unfamiliar out-of-towners and commercial trucks funnel through that area and you have the recipe for plenty of mishaps and delays.

Where is Atlanta traffic the worst?

The 7.5-mile stretch where I-75 and I-85 meet is known as one of the worst bottlenecks in the U.S. Counterintuitive exit directions, multiple lane changes, and tight weaves around the Grady Curve make the Downtown Connector a major hotspot for traffic delays and accidents.

Do I need a car while visiting Atlanta?

When you're visiting Atlanta, Georgia for a month or more, you'll need a car. Avis can set you up with a monthly rental—no matter the season—for your extended stay in Georgia.

What hours have the least traffic?

Today, it's best to get on the roads before 7 a.m. and tomorrow before 11 a.m. As for the weekend, the best times on Saturday and Monday are in the evening, around 6 or 7 p.m. Experts say that Sunday is statistically the lightest traffic day so that might be a good time to hit the road, as well.

Is Atlanta a walkable city?

A report to be released today ranks the growth of walkable areas in the country's 30 largest areas, and here's the stunner: Atlanta comes in eighth place. And that's not all. Our region is ranked No. 5 for future walkability, indicating a demand for denser development and redevelopment both intown and in the suburbs.