What is the best length of time to stay in Bali?

What is the best length of time to stay in Bali? When planning a trip to Bali, I recommend planning to spend at least 5 days in Bali. However, 10 days to 2 weeks would ultimately be best, allowing you to explore everything the island offers. You can also go for as little as 3 days, but you can only visit one location. Bali is the perfect honeymoon destination.

What foods cause Bali belly?

To reduce your risks, we recommend not eating these foods in Bali:
  • Food from street vendors - eat at hotels and reputable restaurants.
  • Leafy green vegetables and salads - they could be contaminated after being washed with tap water.
  • Rare or undercooked meats. ...
  • Seafood.
  • Chicken particularly if it's not fully cooked.

Do you need a lot of cash in Bali?

Many places in Bali will accept card payments, which can be the most convenient way to pay. However, it's not an option everywhere so having some cash is also a smart move. Get a travel money card to make ATM withdrawals locally on arrival in Bali, and so you don't need to carry too much IDR cash at any one time.

How much do you tip in Bali?

There is no hard and fast rule for tipping in Bali. All hotels and most restaurants have a 17% or 21% tax and service charge included in your bill so it is up to you whether to add any extra tip on top of that. When it comes to tipping drivers or other 'freelancers', it's nice but not required.

What is the most common cause of Bali belly?

The most common bacteria which causes Bali Belly is E. Coli. While it's very tempting to live like a local for the most authentic holiday experience, visitors do not have the same immunity as locals and certain practices are likely to leave you sick.

Is Bali cheaper than Thailand?

Bali remains affordable compared to Western destinations and other Southeast Asian countries like Singapore and Malaysia; however, Thailand is still slightly less expensive. This is what makes Thailand such a great choice for many travelers.

Is $100 a day enough for Bali?

Overall, budget travelers can expect to spend around $30-$50 per day in Bali, while mid-range travelers can expect to spend around $50-$100 per day. Luxury travelers can expect to spend several hundred dollars per day.

How many days is enough to stay in Bali?

When planning a trip to Bali, I recommend planning to spend at least 5 days in Bali. However, 10 days to 2 weeks would ultimately be best, allowing you to explore everything the island offers. You can also go for as little as 3 days, but you can only visit one location. Bali is the perfect honeymoon destination.

How much money would I need for 3 weeks in Bali?

The total budget for Bali in 3 weeks – 21 Days – $ 2138 (Total for 2 persons) We stayed 21 days to be exact and spent $2138 in total for both of us, which is an average daily budget of $51 per person.

What foods to avoid in Bali?

Avoid pre-chopped or packaged fruits that may have been sitting out for too long. Too much spicy food can make your stomach upset and make you more likely to get sick from food. Be cautious of dishes labeled as “extra spicy” or “very hot.”

Do you tip in Bali?

No, it is not customary to tip in Bali. However, it's always appreciated when you show your gratitude with a little extra money. Keep in mind that no one will come chasing you down if you don't leave a tip, but it's always nice to show your appreciation for good service with a token of gratitude.

How much money do I need for 3 months in Bali?

Expect to spend $750 to $2,600 per month for a single person living in Bali—families and couples sharing rental costs will save quite a bit. And it's possible to spend significantly more on a higher-end lifestyle.

How do I stop getting Bali belly?

How can you avoid Bali Belly?
  1. Make sure all meat and seafood is thoroughly cooked (not raw or rare)
  2. Avoid the following foods while travelling: Sushi. Unpasteurised dairy products milk/cheese/ice cream. ...
  3. Water: Don't drink tap water. Don't use tap water to brush your teeth. ...
  4. Hygiene: Wash your hands after using the toilet.

Is 2 weeks in Bali too long?

Although two weeks in Bali can be a good amount of time to explore the island and get to experience its unique culture, beautiful landscapes, adventure activities, and lively nightlife there is certainly room for a longer visit.

How much money do I need for 2 weeks in Bali?

On top of flights, if you budget around $100 per day for your trip to Bali it would be more than enough. This amount would enable you to stay in a mid-range hotel, eat out for every meal and enjoy some of the island's best activities. Therefore, $1500 per person (plus flights) would be plenty for two weeks in Bali.

Is 3 weeks in Bali too long?

To really experience Bali and see it from a local's perspective 3 weeks in Bali is a good amount of time, I don't think it's too long. It allows for a few days in each location on this itinerary and time to rest between activities.

Do they speak English in Bali?

Most Balinese speak at some English
English is the common “third” language (after Indonesian and Balinese) and the most popular foreign language by far. A lot of Balinese speak a level of English that allows them to communicate with tourists on a basic level.

Do I need a visa for Bali?

Do you need a visa to travel to Bali? Yes, for most visitors to Bali/Indonesia, a tourist visa is required for entry. However, foreign nationals from the following ASEAN countries can enter Indonesia visa-free for up to 30 days for tourism purposes: Brunei.