What is the best height to fly?

What is the best height to fly? What is the best height to fly? According to USA Today, the common cruising altitude for most commercial airplanes is between 33,000 and 42,000 feet, or between about six and nearly eight miles above sea level.

Does flying higher mean less turbulence?

1) For the higher flight altitudes (40,000 to 75,000 ft) turbulence is both less frequent and less severe than for the lower altitudes (20,000 to 40,000 ft). Turbulence appears to be present at the high altitudes less than 1% of the time.

Can a 200 lb person fit in an airline seat?

There is no legal weight limit for passengers on U.S. commercial flights but some airlines such as Southwest ask customers who cannot fit into one seat to book two. It says if a passenger cannot lower the armrests on one set they must buy another - whatever they weigh.

How do pilots decide how high to fly?

During the dispatch phase of the flight, the pilots are provided data on forecast winds and temperature for normal cruise levels of the aircraft. The pilots can then input these data into the FMS and then once in the air the FMS calculates the most optimum altitude based on the input data.

Why do planes cruise at 36 000 feet?

A major reason for flying at that altitude is money; After labor, fuel is the greatest expense for airlines. That's why airlines are constantly working to maximize their fuel efficiency. Cruising at 36,000 feet helps with that. The higher altitude means thinner air.

Is it safe to fly at 41000 feet?

The sweet spot for modern airliners is between 35,000 and 42,000 feet, where the plane's engines are most efficient. The way the wings are designed is also unsuitable for thin-air flight as they would not be able to create enough lift. Planes cannot just keep going up and up - at some point, it will stall.

Can a 350 pound person fit in an airline seat?

Seats are usually 3 in a row, but sometimes 4. I haven't flown many different planes, but on my last trip when I was around 350, I chose an aisle seat, so I could put the arm rest up and have a bit more room to uh.. 'spread into'? But honestly since it'll be the 3 of you, you should be absolutely fine.

Can a 5 1 girl be a pilot?

There are no specific height restrictions for pilots under FAA rules. Flight schools and commercial airlines accept pilots for training as long as they are physically able to reach the controls and obtain a full rudder deflection in the aircraft they will operate.

Can planes stop in air?

Aircraft with fixed wings cannot stand still in the air, unless we are talking about VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) aircraft. Lift is created by air flowing around the wing. Too little forward speed, and the wing will stall (loose lift).