What is the best currency to use in France?

What is the best currency to use in France? The national currency of France is the Euro. The currency symbol of the euro is € and EUR is the 3 letter code. This makes it the main currency they use and the best currency for you to use if you are travelling to France.

Is it better to pay in euros on card?

Depending on the credit card you use when traveling abroad, you could pay fees that total 6% or more of purchases. Using a credit card with no foreign transaction fees and choosing to make purchases in local currency will nearly always save you money.

Should I use euros or francs in France?

The official currency in France is the Euro. If you're in a store or restaurant you'll probably see the Euro symbol listed: €. Online and in currency exchange stores you're more likely to see the three-letter ISO code: EUR.

Should I exchange money before I travel to France?

Keep a small amount of currency before traveling to cover immediate expenses upon arrival. Yet, obtaining Euros upon arrival in France is often more cost-effective, as exchange rates and fees may be more favorable in local banks or currency exchange offices.

Is 500 euros enough for a month in France?

Is 500 euros enough for a month in France? The average monthly living cost in France for international students in cheap locations like Metz, Toulouse, Lille, and Lyon is 500-1,000 EUR. On the other hand, the monthly living cost of France in expensive cities like Paris might range between 1,200 and 1,800 EUR.

Is it better to carry cash or card in France?

Key Takeaways. European travelers should always have some cash on hand; getting it from an ATM abroad is usually the easiest, most advantageous way. If you need cash from an ATM, it's usually better to use a debit card, because credit cards often charge a high interest rate for a cash advance.

How much cash can you carry legally in France?

If you are carrying a sum of money that is equal to or greater than €10,000 (or its equivalent value in other currencies), you must declare this to customs upon arrival in or departure from France. Using Dalia, you can make your declaration online up to two days before your departure date, completely free of charge.

What is the cheapest way to get euros in France?

Generally, debit card transactions are cheaper and credit cards incur heavy fees while abroad. So, keeping your debit card in France is a better option. Yet, the taxes and withdrawal fees may vary from bank to bank.

Should I exchange money before I travel?

Buy currency before you travel.
Doing so gives you time to shop around for the best rate. Plus, when you arrive, you won't have to immediately find a bank or currency exchange. Do some research ahead of time to see if US dollars are widely accepted at places you plan to go to.