What is the best currency in Tahiti?

What is the best currency in Tahiti? The official currency of Tahiti is the CFP Franc (XPF). It's best to exchange money or use your credit card in Tahiti. If you can't buy some before your trip, the next best options are Australian Dollars (AUD), US Dollars (USD) or Euros (EUR).

Is Tahiti cheap or expensive?

Is Tahiti Expensive to Vacation? The short answer is more often than not, YES. In comparison to the other 20+ countries around the world that I have visited, Tahiti is definitely on the more expensive side. To give you a point of reference, a vacation in Tahiti is comparable to a vacation in Paris or London.

Is food in Tahiti expensive?

While meal prices in Tahiti can vary, the average cost of food in Tahiti is F5,740 per day. Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in Tahiti should cost around F2,296 per person.

Is Tahiti more expensive than Bora Bora?

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Do American plugs work in Tahiti?

You need a power plug adapter in French Polynesia, when living in the United States of America. You also may need a voltage converter. Be extra careful with certain appliances because of the difference in frequency.

Can I use American dollars in French Polynesia?

U.S. dollar and European euro notes (but not coins) are widely accepted as cash in the islands, although at less favorable exchange rates than at banks. You will probably get a more favorable rate if you change your money in French Polynesia rather than before leaving home.

How many bags can I take on Air Tahiti?

Cabin and checked bags
Our standard baggage allowance includes one carry-on bag and one or two checked bags per person, depending on the class of travel and/or your Club Tiare status. Click on Learn more to find out all the information regarding checked and cabin bag allowances.

Do I need cash in Tahiti?

It's best to exchange money or use your credit card in Tahiti. If you can't buy some before your trip, the next best options are Australian Dollars (AUD), US Dollars (USD) or Euros (EUR).

What can you not take to Tahiti?

Strictly prohibited imports include live animals, all plant material, flowers, fruits, and cultured pearls of non-French Polynesian origin. Naturally, any weapons, ammunition, and narcotics are prohibited outright.

How much do you tip in Tahiti?

Traditionally, tipping has been contrary to the Tahitian custom of hospitality. It is neither required nor expected. However, if you receive particularly good service from someone the gesture will be appreciated. Mind you, they may not accept it but you will not be insulting them either.

Are masks required on Air Tahiti?

Wearing a mask
The mask requirement has been lifted on all international flights to and from France, the United States and New Zealand. The mask is thus no longer required on board our flights on these routes. Sanitary measures may change according to the epidemic situation, as well as the regulations of each country.