What is the best country to live in in South Asia?

What is the best country to live in in South Asia? Singapore is the best country in terms of quality of life in Southeast Asia, ranking 19th on the list. The next Southeast Asian country to appear is Thailand, which beat the Philippines by just a few points for the 38th spot.

Which is the safest country in Europe?

As determined by the Global Peace Index, Iceland ranked as the safest country in Europe. Iceland, Denmark, and Ireland ranked as the three safest countries in the world. In contrast, the index ranked Afghanistan as the world's most dangerous country, with Yemen and Syria second and third from bottom.

What is the friendliest country in Southeast Asia?

Cambodia was by far the top answer in our poll and a popular choice among staff members and Rough Guides Twitter followers alike. The poll was dominated by Southeast Asian countries proving that friendly people reside in this part of the world.

Is Asia safer than Europe?

The trends in the world in terms of safe countries show that Europe is the safest region, followed by the Asia-Pacific region, and then North America.