What is the bar etiquette in Thailand?

What is the bar etiquette in Thailand?

Drinking Etiquette in Thailand
Chances are if someone at the table doesn't get to it, the bar or restaurant staff will continue to top off your drink each time it drops below halfway—don't drain your glass unless you want a refill!

Can tourists drink alcohol in Thailand?

In Thailand, you have to be 20 years old to legally buy alcohol. This may surprise some readers, as many teenage tourists drink alcohol while partying in Thailand. No matter what other tourists tell you about the leniency regarding underage tourists and alcohol, the Thai law is the Thai law.

What not to bring in Thailand?

The following are some examples of prohibited goods:
  • Narcotics.
  • Pornographic materials.
  • Counterfeit trademark goods and IPR infringing goods.
  • Fake notes or coins.
  • Reserved animals or CITES-listed wildlife.

What to wear in Thailand to not look like a tourist?

The basic rule is to cover your shoulders and knees (both sexes), and ideally, you'd cover your ankles too. On the bottom, wear longer shorts, capris, pants/trousers or a knee-length-or-longer skirt. On top, choose any shirt that fully covers your shoulders and has zero cleavage.

Can I take alcohol in my suitcase to Thailand?

Thai custom law covers all persons entering the Kingdom regardless of their puposes (whether for transit or entering the Kingdom). The law covers all cigarettes regardless of their origin of purchase. Travelers entering Thailand are allowed to bring in a maximum of 1 liter of liquor per person.