What is the average V1 speed of a 737?

What is the average V1 speed of a 737? For commercial aircraft such as the B737, A320 and even the large ones like the Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet or Airbus 380, a typical range for the V1 speed is between 120 – 140 knots.

Why does a plane have to take off after V1?

Until V1 is reached, the pilot generally keeps their hand on the throttle in case they need to abort for any reason. After V1, it's all about ensuring the aircraft lifts off with no issue. After the pilot removes their hand from the throttle, they can start to lift the plane's nose up.

Can a pilot abort takeoff after V1?

Essentially, the pilots have until the aircraft attains the V1 airspeed to abort the take-off. Beyond V1, the pilots are committed and have to take off as they would not be able to stop the aircraft safely within the remaining runway distance.

Why do pilots say V1 rotate?

During the takeoff roll, the pilot monitoring the displays (PM) will call out the two important speeds: V1 and rotate. This indicates to the pilot flying the aircraft (PF) when they are beyond the safe stopping speed and when to rotate the aircraft into the air.