What is the average commute distance to work in the UK?

What is the average commute distance to work in the UK? Of those surveyed, 75% commute less than 10 miles to work, with 20% commuting between 5 and 10 miles to work each day. Pre-pandemic, 3.58% of those surveyed commuted more than 40 miles to work, compared to 2.69% in 2022. 12% of commuters travel less than a mile to their place of work, compared to 10% pre-pandemic.

Is it better to live in London or commute?

It really depends where you'll choose to live. Commuting can be very expensive and stressful as trains are often late when not cancelled. Some commuting towns are still expensive too. You'll have to do some research into that but with the salary you mention you should be able to live in London itself.

What is considered too long of a commute?

The average U.S. commute to work of 26.1 minutes each way looks like a quick trip around the block compared to the travel times posted by extreme commuters. The U.S. Census Bureau defines extreme commuters as workers who travel 90 minutes or more each way to work.

How far is too far to commute daily to work?

Commuting from home to work should be less than 50 miles and within 30 minutes, and the surrounding area of your workplace should be within 50 miles of your home. It is ideal for commuters to take at least 5 minutes to commute to work, and the one-way commute should take more than 16 minutes.

Is 90 minutes too long for a commute?

People who commute 90 minutes or more are more likely to have back and neck pain, and long commute times also up your blood pressure and anxiety levels. Then there's also the time suck of it all.

How far is the UK average daily commute?

What is the average commuter distance? Of those surveyed, 75% commute less than 10 miles to work, with 20% commuting between 5 and 10 miles to work each day. Pre-pandemic, 3.58% of those surveyed commuted more than 40 miles to work, compared to 2.69% in 2022.

Is 2 hours too far to commute?

A 2-hour commute each way means a 15-hour day plus one hour to get up and ready and one hour to relax and eat dinner. That leaves barely 6 hours to sleep which is below the recommended number of hours. After only 3 days this sleep deficiency will deplete yourbgut health and increase your blood pressure.

Is a 20 minute commute too far?

Just how bad is a commute on job satisfaction? A study by the University of West England found that adding 20 minutes to your daily commute has the same negative effect on job satisfaction as receiving a 19 percent pay cut. In fact, every extra minute commuting lowered satisfaction with their job and leisure time.

Is 1.5 hours too far to commute?

Yes, it is probably possible, but you really don't want to do so if you can avoid it. If you are doing a regular 35 hours week then a 1.5-hour commute is doable and you'll have enough time left to do something in the evenings, but not much.

How long do Londoners commute?

According to a new study of 53 cities, London came in sixth in a list of the worst cities in the world for commuting. The data shows that Londoners each lost 75 hours stuck in traffic jams last year, while the average time spent commuting was 47 minutes one-way.