What is the apse of the basilica ulpia?

What is the apse of the basilica ulpia? One of the major functions of the basilicas was as a site for law courts. These were housed in an architectural form known as the apse. In the Basilica Ulpia, these semi-circular forms project from either end of the building, but in some cases, the apses would project off of the length of the building.

What is the layout of a basilica?

Architecturally, a basilica typically had a rectangular base that was split into aisles by columns and covered by a roof. Main features were named when the church adopted the basilical structure.

Why is a church called a basilica?

The word basilica is derived from a Greek term meaning “royal court”—from which the king exercised his reign. In the Catholic world, a basilica is a church building that has been recognized and accorded special privileges by the pope.

What is unique about the basilica?

Basilicas (in the Catholic Church) are Catholic church buildings that have a designation, conferring special privileges, given by the Pope. Basilicas are distinguished for ceremonial purposes from other churches.

Is the apse the altar?

This is generally where the altar is located, making the apse the most important section of the building. The word comes from the Latin apsis, arch or vault, and the Greek root hapsis, arch or loop.

How a church become a basilica?

In order for a church to become a basilica, it must be recommended to the Vatican, which then considers aspects of the church such as liturgy, sacraments, size, renown, beauty, mission and others in order to judge if the church is worthy of becoming a basilica.

What is the aisle around the apse in a church called?

A. Aisle - Aisle, portion of a church or basilica that parallels or encircles the major sections of the structure, such as the nave, choir, or apse (aisles around the apse are usually called ambulatories). The aisle is often set off by columns or by an arcade.

What are the parts of a basilica?

Basilicas are typically rectangular buildings with a central nave flanked by two or more longitudinal aisles, with the roof at two levels, being higher in the centre over the nave to admit a clerestory and lower over the side-aisles.

What makes a basilica different from a church?

A basilica is simply an important church building designated by the pope because it carries special spiritual, historical, and/or architectural significance. Basilica is the highest permanent designation for a church building, and once a church is named a basilica, it cannot lose its basilica status.

What are the 4 key design features of the basilica?

Architecturally, a basilica typically had a rectangular base that was split into aisles by columns and covered by a roof. There was an immense central aisle, colonnades, windows above the central aisle, and often a niche at the end.

Why is a basilica not a church?

The word basilica is derived from a Greek term meaning “royal house.” In the Catholic world, a basilica is a church building that has been accorded special privileges by the pope. There are two kinds of basilicas. The world's four major, or papal, basilicas are St. John Lateran, St.

What is the difference between nave and apse?

Some of the key architectural features of a cathedral are the narthex (main entrance area), the nave (main aisle leading to the front of the cathedral), and the apse (location of the altar).