What is the 8 hour bottle to throttle rule?

What is the 8 hour bottle to throttle rule? The CFRs prohibit pilots from performing crewmember duties within 8 hours after drinking any alcoholic beverage or while under the influence of alcohol.

Why do pilots land one handed?

When landing a pilot will have one hand on the yoke (or stick) and one hand on the throttle, as throttle adjustments are needed to maintain the correct glide angle and initiate a go-around if required.

Why do pilots keep their hand on the throttle?

Critical small pitch and power changes cannot be achieved if the pilot's hand is not on the throttle. The rule should always be to keep your hand on the throttle any time you are at or below the airport traffic pattern altitude.

Why do pilots tap the brakes after takeoff?

1) The spinning wheels will cause vibrations until they are stopped. 2) It is good practice to stop your wheel after you lift off due to flailing tread.