What is the 20m rule?

What is the 20m rule? The '20 metre rule' sees those able to walk unaided for more than 20 metres considered for a lower level of support than those who can walk less – a threshold which MS Society Scotland says is an 'unacceptable' means of assessing mobility.

What not to say in PIP assessment?

When assessing for PIP, you have to consider how you feel 'the majority of the time'. That is to say, don't answer the question as if it was your best day and equally don't answer the question as if it were your worst day.

What stage of arthritis can you get disability?

If you suffer from arthritis that is so severe you are going to be unable to work for at least 12 months and you meet the work requirements as well, the SSA will deem you disabled and you will be able to earn disability benefits.

Does arthritis qualify for PIP?

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) helps cover the extra costs you may face if you need help taking part in everyday life or find it difficult to get around. It is an important benefit for people with arthritis. Who can claim Attendance Allowance? You can claim PIP if you are working.

What is the best answer for PIP questions?

In summary these are our top tips for a successful PIP claim:
  • Always be honest.
  • Answer describing how you feel 'most of the time'.
  • Add concise, unambiguous comments.
  • Aim for consistency with your answers.
  • Don't be afraid to get professional help.