What is stinger season in Cairns?

What is stinger season in Cairns? From the first of November until the start of May, the stinger nets are out around Cairns and Port Douglas. Those hitting the beach should be sure to only swim in patrolled areas and to look for the comforting colours of the red and yellow flags.

Can you swim in stinger season?

It's not advisable to go swimming in the ocean during stinger season which generally runs from November to May however, if you are taking your holiday between those months, there are stinger resistant swimming enclosures at various local beaches that offer a high degree of protection against Box Jellyfish.

What time of year are jellyfish in Cairns?

There are many different kinds and they are usually most prevalent during the Cairns jellyfish 'season', which is generally from November to May. Why? Jellyfish prefer warm, tropical waters, so summer in Cairns Queensland provides ideal conditions.

What time of day are jellyfish most active?

Midday : Jellyfish activity is typically highest during midday when the sun is at its peak and the water is warmest.

Is it safe to swim in waterfalls in Cairns?

Tropical North Queensland is blessed with an abundance of waterfalls. The great news is that you can swim right up to many of these spectacular cascades – and even let the running water cascade over you. Swimmable waterfalls are found from Cardwell to Cape York, with many concentrated around the Atherton Tablelands.

What to do if you get stung by a jellyfish while swimming?

How Are Jellyfish Stings Treated?
  1. Remove your child from the water.
  2. Rinse the area with vinegar. ...
  3. Don't rub the area, which can make things worse.
  4. Use tweezers to pluck away any tentacles still on the skin. ...
  5. A hot (but not scalding) shower or soak may help lessen pain.

Can I wear a wetsuit instead of a stinger suit?

A wetsuit is actually a thicker fabric than a stinger suit, so you would not need a stinger suit too. However, if you are going to be swimming in the tropics, a wetsuit would be too hot to wear and so you would wear a stinger suit...

What time of year is it safe to swim in Cairns?

Yes you can swim in Cairns beaches, however it can be very dangerous between the months of November – May. Most locals would recommend swimming in freshwater lagoons, lakes and waterfalls to avoid crocodiles, jellyfish and other dangerous animals in the sea.

Do I need a stinger suit in Cairns?

We highly recommend wearing the stinger suits – regardless of the time of year – as it will not only protect you from cairns jellyfish stings, but also provide sun protection in the tropical climate. Snorkellers do not need to fear cairns jellyfish on the Great Barrier Reef. Jellyfish are found around the world.

When can you not swim in Great Barrier Reef?

The warm water means one thing: stingers. While marine stingers are found along the Great Barrier Reef all year round, the potentially lethal jellyfish species – Box and Irukandji – enter the waters from November through May.

Where not to swim in Cairns?

The best beaches to swim at are mainly in the Northern suburbs. The beaches in the city aren't suitable for swimming due to crocodiles and it being too buddy. However, there is a lagoon to swim in if you're staying in Cairns City.