What is St Lucia special saying?

What is St Lucia special saying? Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia! Darkness shall take flight soon, From earth's valleys.

What food is St Lucia known for?

Top 10 Things to Eat in St. Lucia
  • Bouyon.
  • Lambi.
  • Fresh Lobster.
  • Callaloo Soup.
  • Accra.
  • Green Figs and Salt Fish.
  • Breadfruit.
  • Pepper Pots.

What race is St Lucia?

St. Lucia's population is predominantly of African and mixed African-European descent, with small East Indian and European minorities. English is the official language, although many St. Lucians speak a French patois.

What is the nickname of St Lucia?

This tug-of-war inspired one British historian to give Saint Lucia the nickname “Helen of the West Indies” comparing her to Helen of Troy as she too mobilized an entire navy.