What is spiritual about the ocean?
What is spiritual about the ocean? In spiritual and metaphysical terms, the ocean is often seen as a symbol of the subconscious mind and the realm of emotions. It's deep, vast, and often mysterious – much like our inner worlds.
What does falling in a dream mean spiritually?
A falling dream can indicate that you're holding on to a situation in life that is not serving your best interests. Thus, learning to relax and relinquish some control could make you feel better. Falling dreams are often associated with our hidden insecurities, social anxieties, or unstable situations in life.
What emotions does ocean evoke?
The answer is “every emotion.” When surfing, the ocean is a place of excitement, thrill, adrenaline etc. When I'm body surfing or swimming, it's a place of relaxation. When snorkeling or diving, it's a place of wonder and discovery. I've had scary moments, sad moments and wonderful moments in the ocean.