What is so special about San Diego?

What is so special about San Diego? San Diego is known for its mild year-round Mediterranean climate, extensive beaches and parks, its long association with the United States Navy, and its recent emergence as a healthcare and biotechnology development center.

Why is San Diego the finest city?

Because there are few finer places to spend quality time in the U.S. than in this most southerly of west coast cities, sitting only a few miles from the Mexican border and blessed with a quite wonderful climate in which the temperature sits all year comfortably between 10C and 24C, while locals can expect only 43 days ...

Is San Diego the most beautiful city?

According to a list compiled by Travelers Worldwide, the most beautiful cities in all of California are San Francisco and San Diego. These cities are also considered two of the most beautiful in the entire country.

Why do people want to go to San Diego?

Here's our Disclosure & Privacy Policy for more info. The southernmost city in California, San Diego is one of the country's best vacation spots. Home to all of the best features of Southern California – sun, beaches, and lots of fun – and without quite as many heavy crowds as Los Angeles has, it's no wonder.

Why is San Diego nicer than LA?

San Diego is the better choice for travelers who don't like big crowds. SD is no small town but receives far fewer tourists than nearby Los Angeles, and the traffic isn't as bad. The San Diego beaches are also cleaner and quieter and this is the perfect place to have a romantic weekend getaway.