What is short call for pilots?
What is short call for pilots? Reserve at major airlines is normally broken into two groups: short call, where the pilot must be able to show within 2-3 hours of being notified, and long call, where the pilot must respond within 12-14 hours.
What do pilots say when they eject?
If the pilot needs to warn you that you're going to have to eject in the near future, he will use the word “eject,” as in, “Hey, get ready, we are going to have to eject in about 30 seconds.” If things go horribly wrong and you need to blow out of the ship immediately, the command is, “bailout! bailout! bailout!”
What is a short plane flight called?
Short-haul is a flight lasting anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours. Medium-haul is defined by flights lasting between 3-6 hours. And lastly, long-haul flights are those that extend beyond 6 hours.