What is plate C on a railroad?

What is plate C on a railroad? 'Plate C' refers to a drawing or 'plate' which gives clearance dimemsions for equipment. If a car has 'plate -C' designation it means it is able to clear obstructions that fall outside of the listed dimensions. Conversly anything within these dimensions will foul the equipment.

What do the letters on rail cars mean?

Railroad cars are identified by two, three, or four letters and by a number of up to six digits. The letters, known as reporting marks, indicate the owner of the car, while the number places it in the owner's fleet. Reporting marks ending in X indicate ownership by a private company as opposed to a railroad.

Why do trains honk the letter Q?

What is the significance of a train engine sounding a Morse code Q as they approach a crossing? According to railsafetraining dot com, the signal dates back to when the Queen of England traveled by ship. The Captain would blow Morse for “Q” to tell other ships to move aside for Her Majesty.

What is the front of a train called?

The locomotive is the thing at the front ( usually at the front ) with an engine that provides the power to move the train. The things behind the locomotive are passenger carriages or flat-cars and wagon for goods.

What is the drivers room in a train called?

The cab, crew compartment or driver's compartment of a locomotive, or a self-propelled rail vehicle, is the part housing the train driver, fireman or secondman (if any), and the controls necessary for the locomotive or self-propelled rail vehicle's operation.

What is the electric thing on top of trains?

The pantograph is located on the roof of the train and collects the electricity needed to power the train. Since pantographs make direct contact with the overhead power lines in order to obtain electricity, their usage environment is always changing due to the speed of the train and external weather conditions.

What is the first car of a train called?

What is the first car on a train called? The engine is the first car on a freight train, and the last car is usually the caboose. Besides being last, the other feature of a caboose is its use by the crew.