What is PEI like in September?
What is PEI like in September? September in PEI offers mild temperatures, with daytime highs around 18-20°C (64-68°F) and cooler evenings. It's a perfect time for outdoor activities.
What is PEI like in October?
October is the most beautiful month on Prince Edward Island. The spectacular fall foliage is at its peak around the middle of the month; with luck, you'll still be able to catch some of the colours toward the end of the month. The weather tends to be comfortably cool in late October (the average temperature is 12C).
Does it rain a lot in PEI?
There is ample precipitation throughout the year, although it is heaviest in the late autumn, early winter and mid spring. The following climate chart depicts the average conditions of Charlottetown, as an example of the province's climate.
Is PEI prone to hurricanes?
In Prince Edward Island, coastal areas are subject to flooding and storm surges. Each of our seasons brings with it specific hazards. In the fall, Islanders are vulnerable to hurricanes; in the winter, blizzards and ice storms are a reality, and all regions are vulnerable to fires at any time of the year.
What are the pros and cons of Prince Edward Island?
- Low Cost of Living. Prince Edward Island ranks remarkably low in terms of cost of living. ...
- Family Friendly. ...
- Everything Is In Proximity. ...
- Beautiful Scenery. ...
- Unique Festivals & Culture. ...
- Delicious Food. ...
- Low Employment Rate. ...
- Weather.