What is one travel day?

What is one travel day? A travel day is a calendar day, running from midnight to midnight. You can take as many trips as you like within each travel day.

Do UK residents use Eurail or Interrail?

A Eurail Pass can only be used by non-European citizens or non-European residents. European citizens can use an Interrail Pass instead, available from Interrail.eu for the same price as a Eurail Pass.

Do travel days count as work days?

In limited circumstances, travel time may be considered hours of work. The rules on travel hours of work depend on whether an employee is covered by or exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

What is the difference between rail Europe and Eurail?

Rail Europe is an official reseller of the tickets and passes that Eurail creates. Interrail is the same pass but for Europeans only; Eurail/Rail Europe is for non-Europeans. While Eurail also sells the same pass as Rail Europe, Rail Europe often sells these passes at a discounted price.

Is first class worth it on Eurail?

First class also has wider seats and aisles, and is more likely to have amenities such as air-conditioning and power outlets (though outlets are still rare on Europe's trains, in any class). While first class is less conducive to conversation, it's more conducive to napping.

What is the 7pm rule?

Here's how the 7pm rule works If your overnight train is leaving after 7pm then you can put in the following day's date on your rail pass and use one rather than two days of travel for the overnight trip. Simple!

What is the night train rule on the Eurail Pass?

If you're travelling on a night train that arrives at your destination after midnight, your journey will show on the ticket of the travel day of your departure. This is the ticket you need to show to the ticket inspector, even if it's past midnight.

How many times a day can I use my Eurail Pass?

A travel day lasts from midnight to midnight. Within this time you can take as many journeys as you'd like. Please remember to add each journey accurately to the travel day and make reservations when needed.

What is the busiest day to fly?

Thanksgiving and Christmas tend to be the busiest travel days of the year, but other holidays like Memorial Day, July Fourth, and Labor Day also see some of the highest volumes of air passengers.