What is not covered in JR Pass?
What is not covered in JR Pass? The JAPAN RAIL PASS is not valid for any seats, reserved or non-reserved, on “NOZOMI” and “MIZUHO” trains on the Tokaido, Sanyo and Kyushu Shinkansen lines. (The pass holders must take “HIKARI,” “SAKURA,” “KODAMA,” or “TSUBAME” trains.)
Do I need both a Suica and JR Pass?
No visitor to Tokyo should be without a Suica card and no visitor to Japan should be without a JR Pass. The Suica card is convenient for intercity trains and buses while the JR Pass saves you time and money when traveling through the country.
Is Shinjuku line covered in JR Pass?
With the Japan Rail Pass, you can ride on all JR trains, including the Shinjuku Line, without paying additional fares. However, it's important to note that the Japan Rail Pass is not valid on other non-JR train lines, such as private railways or subways.
Can I bring luggage on JR train?
We appreciate your cooperation. You may bring up to 2 baggage items with a total length, width, and height of up to 250 cm (up to 2 meters in length) and a weight of up to 30 kg. However, please reserve a seat with an oversized baggage area or oversized baggage compartment when carrying on oversized baggage.
Can you go to Osaka with JR Pass?
Yes, the Japan Rail Pass is valid for the entire line and all JR lines branching of it. Using your pass to explore Osaka this way, is a very cost-efficient option.
Can foreigners buy a JR Pass in Japan?
Japan Rail Pass eligibility requirements. The JR Pass is a service offered to foreign nationals traveling to Japan as temporary visitors. Japanese nationals living abroad are also eligible under certain conditions.
What are the exemptions for JR Pass?
Essentially the JR Pass is a travel pass that let's you (foreign visitors) travel unlimited with JR Trains through out Japan. The only major exceptions are three super high speed commuter trains (Nozomi, Mizuho, Hayabusa), which the pass is not valid for.
Does JR Pass cover Kyoto?
Can I use the JR Pass in Kyoto? Yes, to a limited extent. JR lines run to the west and south of Kyoto, with access to highlights such as Arashiyama, Fushimi Inari and Uji. Additionally, a local JR bus runs from Kyoto station to north Kyoto.
What is the best way to travel from Tokyo to Osaka?
The best way to travel between Tokyo and Osaka is the shinkansen (bullet train). The fastest type of shinkansen, which is called the Nozomi, takes around 2 hours and 30 minutes and costs Y13,620 for a one-way trip in an unreserved seat.
Is JR Pass worth it if only staying in Tokyo?
You may get some value from some day type passes, but not from a nationwide rail pass. (if you were going as far a Kyoto, it would be about breakeven for you). A JR pass is of no value if you're only going to be in Tokyo. If you plan to arrive at NRT - http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/suica-nex/ - is a good value.
Can I travel to Osaka to Tokyo using JR Pass?
With your Japan Rail Pass The Hikari and Kodama trains on this line are covered by the pass, and can take you from Shin-Osaka Station in Osaka to either Shinagawa Station or Tokyo Station in Tokyo in under 3 hours.
Should I buy my JR Pass in Japan?
Unless you plan to ride a LOT of JR trains during your trip, you'll almost certainly save money by buying individual train tickets instead a Japan Rail Pass. You can buy shinkansen tickets online (before or after arrival) on the Tokaido, Sanyo and Kyushu lines (between Tokyo,Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima and Hakata).
What is the JR luggage rule?
JR allows passengers to bring two pieces of baggage weighing 30 kg or less and with total dimensions of 250 cm or less (and no longer than 200 cm) onto the train as portable personal effects for which there is no charge. Personal effects such as umbrellas, walking sticks and handbags do not count.
Which is better Suica or JR Pass?
The JR pass is only worth it if you travel through different cities, if you are just travelling to Tokyo to Kyoto for example, I would just pay on the Suica. You can do the online calculator or just use google to calculate which trip is easier - paying individually on Suica or getting a JR Pass.
Is it cheaper to buy JR Pass in Japan or online?
For a limited time only, you can buy a Japan Rail Pass from certain train stations and airports in Japan. Travelers should be aware it is more expensive to buy a JR Pass in Japan than to purchase the pass online.